Welcome to the SkillsAct4Vet e-platform for trainers

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The primary purpose of this project is to foster the assessment of transversal skills coming from international internships.

 We are pleased to announce that a new e-platform for trainers is ready !  Its main purpose is to help teachers and trainers develop students’ soft skills during short internships abroad. The development of students’ soft skills is urgent to prepare the graduates to be ready in the field of work.  Short term internships are the first work-experience in host companies and the first life experience abroad for many students. The experience abroad may result more demanding than expected, and the participants may experiment an unexpected frustration. That is why it is very important to support students before, during and after their mobility experiences.

“Skills Act 4VET” is the Erasmus Plus project launched by Tribeka Training lab with Militos, M. V. Lomonosov, ADI, Bulgarian Industrial Association, Beyond Research and Elidea – Associated Psychologists.

The training materials for teachers and trainers are presented along 3 Modules: before, during and after the mobility and include both theoretical and practical, applicable content.

 Module one ( before the mobility) addresses five soft skills in five separate units, each of which contains five sections: an introduction with a short definition of the skill and the difficulties it responds to, behavioural indicators for identifying each skill, an explanation of the importance of the skill for mobility students and the subskills associated with it and relevant sources. At the end of each unit, there are two exercises, with detailed steps on how to carry them out with students. The exercises may help students activate the soft skills before the mobility. The five skills, which were selected during the first months of the project, are : adaptability and context reading, self confidence, followership, cultural awareness and proactivity.

Module two (during the mobility) introduces the SkillsAct TasksMap. The tool is a questionnaire that the project team developed to make students aware whether or not they activate the 5 soft skills during their internship abroad. The activation can be adequate, poor, or absent. The monitoring teachers will also use the tool to evaluate the students. At the end the teacher and the student’s results can be compared and a discussion can follow.


Module three (after the mobility) focuses on activities to be undertaken by trainers and students after students’ mobility experience abroad. The SkillsAct self-assessment tool, is a questionnaire to measure the improvement regarding the five soft skills. This chapter includes instructions on how to use the tool. There are also instructions on how to interpret the results of the self- assessment tool. Finally, there are tips and instructions to learn how to prepare students for a job interview.

The pilot test of the platform is taking place successfully.  In the project countries we are organizing small events to present it. The pilot test will let us know if the product is ready for implementation or needs updates.

During the next months  we will translate the contents in Spanish, Italian, Greek and  Bulgarian.

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