Skills Act for Vet Activites July and September 2021

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After more than a year and a half, where due to the Covid pandemic we have not been able to hold any face-to-face meeting, we finally began to move!
During the 28th and 29th of September, the partners of the ‘Transversal skills activation for Vet Mobility experience’ project have finally held a blended meeting in the Bulgarian city of Gorna Oryahovitsa.
Most of the members have been able to attend the meeting in the host city of the M. V. Lomonosov Secondary School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, which has been responsible for hosting the event.
Members who have not been able to travel to Bulgaria have participated virtually in the meeting, so that all members have contributed to the meeting.

Among the topics on the meeting agenda, we worked on:

  • -Progress of the project outpus,
  • – Agreement on further testing activities,
  • – Evaluation, quality insurance and dissemination
  • – Communication and cooperation among the partners.

Besides all the mentioned, an important goal of the meeting has been checking on feedbacks of the learning mobility implemented in Summer 2021 with the students from the M. V. Lomonosov Secondary School.

The project managers, researchers and technician met the students and teachers who took part in the learning activities hosted by the project coordinator in Malaga in summer 2021.
The feedback collected at the end of the mobilities, after testing the outputs, has proved how students and teachers increased their understanding of soft skills, in the frame of short terms work experience abroad.
They increased their sensitiveness in recognizing the behavioral elements the soft skills and are more aware of their application in their future job position.

About the travel to Gorna Oryahovitsa, a special mention is deserved by the amazing welcoming that the guest partners received from the host organization.
The staff and students of the host school took care of the organization with great attention to details and peculiar elements, accuracy, precision and proudness to offer the best.

Lomonosov students on short terms internship in Malaga, Spain

Besides the delay in the project timeline, in Summer 2021 the learning activities in the frame of our SKILLSACT4Vet project took place in Malaga, coordinated by Tribeka training lab.
15 students from High School Lomonosov have been selected by the PGEE, Lomonosov’ to have a short term work experience in Spain.
The mobility allowed to understand the actual benefit of the SKILLSACT4VEt training on a real case of mobility that has been observed as a pilot experience during the project implementation
Both the students and the 2 accompanying teachers have been experimenting the different training sessions, the Skills Act 4 VET Work-based Tasks Map and the Assessment App and have provided constructive feedbacks used to further improve and develop the project outputs.
Tribeka has been in charge of selecting the host companies, contacting with host company tutors, facilitating the understanding of the activities carried out during the work placement and monitoring activities.
The beneficiaries of the internship are students from 10th and 11th grade of PGEE Lomonosov from classes with intensive learning of Computer Engineering and Technologies, Applied Programming and Industrial Electronics. During their internship, the students were assigned to companies in the field of programming, maintenance and repair of office equipment, software and web-page development.

In cooperation with the host companies tutors, the mobility allowed the students to develop a deeper personal consciousness and understanding of one’s own transversal skills, and its activation during the short terms experience abroad.

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