The Hiatus project (Erasmus Plus GRANT AGREEMENT N. 2021-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000034506) aims to pursue the following objectives:
General objective: to develop within the school context a teaching methodology that uses design skills for the implementation of products / services – service design thinking – in relation to the changing demand of the labor market / territory.
Specific objectives – teacher target:
develop the ability to reorient their training offer, innovating it, according to the changes in the labor market; develop a client-student orientation in terms of listening, analyzing and reading needs;
Specific objectives – target students:
develop self-orienting skills to face the challenges of the market, the capacity for critical and constructive reflection, to transform ideas into actions and to engage in creative processes; strengthen the technical-professional skills that can be used in innovative work contexts;
Specific transversal objectives: increase project competence for the development of ideas and projects, favoring occasions where young people can have at least one practical entrepreneurial experience during school education.
Silvia Faggioli ( ADI European Projects )